Pakedge PCNA Certification – What is it?
Pakedge PCNA certification is the first course designed specifically for computer networks and Wi-Fi in the AV industry. It’s jam-packed with the essential and advanced knowledge required to design and install computer networks that are suitable for demanding environments such as Smart Homes, hotels and offices.
We’re proud to have become one of very few companies in the UK to have achieved certification for not just one, but three of our engineers. This follows our commitment to continually develop and invest in our team and provide our clients with systems that are robust, secure and fast.
Why now?
Over the years, network and Wi-Fi have become increasingly essential in smart homes, offices and hotels. Whether it’s for remote working, banking, social media or enjoying music or a movie. Consistent feedback tells us that you need something that’s fast, reliable and secure. Until now, there has never been an AV-specific network certification. Being part of the Pakedge PCNA certification process, it has developed our network packs and pushed the boundaries of the support we can offer.
With our latest ‘Always Connected’ packs we can now deliver networks that are self-healing and proactive. For example, if the Wi-Fi locks up, reset the Wi-Fi automatically. If the Satellite box doesn’t respond, turn it off and on again automatically. If problems persist and can’t be self-healed, email an MDfx engineer and have them to look into it. Often this automatic process will fix your network before you even knew you had a problem. It doesn’t matter if you live in Beaconsfield, Knightbridge, Ascot, Kensington or Mayfair. We can respond to your situation quickly and remotely.
With Smart Homes, Hotels and offices becoming reliant on networks, Pakedge PCNA certification has become an essential skill. These skills apply to simple Wi-Fi systems and to larger systems where there’s a control system such as Crestron, Control4 or Lutron.
If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact our PCNA certified team on 01895 262600 or